The College Panhellenic Council (CPC)

The College Panhellenic Council is the governing body that consists of representatives from women's organizations that are part of the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC). The CPC's stated purpose is to promote value-based recruitment and allow each potential new member to meet an organization that aligns best with their personal values.

*Active CPC Chapters at VCU:

Alpha Gamma Delta
Alpha Omicron Pi
Alpha Sigma Alpha
Sigma Sigma Sigma
Zeta Tau Alpha

*Note: all chapters recognized as student organizations at VCU are active chapters; for a list of active chapters that are currently suspended, see the Student Organization Conduct Report.

Recruitment info:

There are two types of recruitment processes with CPC. The fall semester is Continuous Open Bidding (COB). Chapters that are eligible to participate will be holding COB events either by invitation or open to eligible students.  More information for primary (Spring) recruitment, including dates and a registration link, are generally posted in late Fall semester.  CPC assesses a recruitment fee for primary (Spring) recruitment but not COB (Fall) recruitment.

Connect With Us

For more information on our events and joining information, find us on social media @cpc_vcu

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